“Congratulations to PlayZoomers on their 100th production! I can’t think of any other theatre that could have reached such a milestone in such a short timeframe. In addition to my own plays, I have enjoyed the work of other playwrights, directors, actors, and crew as a fairly regular audience member. In every instance I have been impressed by the material selected, how well the selections mesh to make a coherent thematic evening, and the quality of the performances, including acting and visual effects, which I can’t begin to understand. But there’s much more to PlayZoomers than just a high-quality theatrical experience. There’s a feeling of being part of something, belonging. When Jan and Mary Ann make their pre-show announcements, I always feel like they are welcoming me into the PlayZoomers home. Of course, I have to provide my own snacks, but that’s a small price to pay for being part of the growing PlayZoomers family!”
— Morey Norkin, Playwright (Japan)
“PlayZoomers began in the darkness of COVID-19. Theaters were closed and artists were severed from audiences. The darkness has lifted, but PlayZoomers shines on, bringing artists together to create and explore. BRAVO!
— Michael Brady, Playwright (Massachusetts)
“PlayZoomers productions are top-notch. Graphics and backgrounds, sound effects/music. Quality directors and actors! Enough rehearsal time, including tech rehearsals. Attention is paid to details such as lighting and sound quality. I have had three PlayZoomers productions of my short plays over recent years, and I have been very pleased with all of them – not always the case when you turn your play over to another group. Thank you, PlayZoomers!!!
— Art Shulman, Playwright (California)
“I’ve had the pleasure of working with PlayZoomers on several of my plays. With each production, my work has been carefully produced, directed, and performed, and as a playwright, I’ve felt valued and heard. Thanks to PlayZoomers I’ve been able to meet theater artists and reach audiences all over the U.S. and in other countries too. I’ve also been able to see, for the very first time, plays of mine that had been previously produced in locations too far from my home to enable me to travel there. PlayZoomers brings high-quality theater to audiences that might not have opportunities to see plays on stage. Congratulations to PlayZoomers on reaching its milestone of 100 plays performed! I hope there will be many more!
— Jennifer O’Grady, Playwright (New York)
“It’s been a real honour to have PlayZoomers produce two of my plays. The producers have created a really talented, collaborative, and professional team that consistently creates high-quality work. Congratulations on your 100th play, looking forward to the celebrations when you hit 1,000! ”
— Adam Szudrich, Playwright (Australia)
“Bravo! to PlayZoomers for 100 plays in 3 years! As an avid audience member, I’ve immensely enjoyed the variety and thoughtfulness of these high-quality, innovative live theater productions and the post-show interactive talkbacks. As a playwright, I am thrilled by PlayZoomers masterful, inspired production of my romantic comedy, “Hunker Down,” about love in the time of COVID-19. I admire that PlayZoomers delivers what their audiences adore in live theater and they engage in lively talkbacks.”
— Robert Benjamin, Playwright (New Mexico)
“It has been my great privilege and joy to work with PlayZoomers. The producers brought enormous skill, wisdom, creativity, and care to every step of the play-producing process for my script, and the cast was superb. Jan and Mary have created not only an innovative, exciting Zoom theatre company—which enables high-quality theatre to be accessible (and affordable) for all—but also a very talented, passionate, and congenial community of actors, directors, technical/artistic staff, and playwrights. Congratulations to all!!”
— Paula Stone, PhD, Playwright (Maryland)
“PlayZoomers, since its inception during the early days of the pandemic, has created a national online theatre company that is unique and—as we now see—enduring. Early along, I hesitantly emailed a short script to them. The play was chosen. It was assigned a director. It was cast. It was performed. And I was hooked. I’ve now had a number of my short plays presented by PlayZoomers, along with a full-length piece written specifically with the company in mind. I’ve also done a bit of directing for the group. What I particularly appreciate about PlayZoomers is the sense of community Jan and Mary have created and nurtured. Familiar faces interact with newbies—who then, often as not, become familiar faces themselves. Actors, directors, and tech people—hundreds or thousands of miles apart—come together regularly and enthusiastically to create and share a mutual love of theatre. May PlayZoomers last and last and last.
— Thomas W. Stephens, playwright (Washington, D.C.)
“In 2023, PlayZoomers live-streamed a unique and inspired production of my play “Oscar & Walt” in conjunction with Indiana University Bloomington. The enthusiasm and professionalism of everyone involved in this collaborative project made it a truly rewarding experience for me and our enthusiastic digital audience. Congratulations to PlayZoomers on their 100th production. The company’s high standards, variety of work, and technical expertise make every one of their shows a pleasure to watch. It was a joy and an honor to work with them.
— Donald Steven Olson, Playwright (New York)
“PlayZoomers provided a sanity-saving lifeline during the nightmare of the pandemic for those of us who counted on the theatre to add purpose and creative opportunities to our lives. As I continued to participate as an actor and director, I was impressed with how the company grew in expertise in this new and challenging medium. Now these productions are of a high and constantly improving professional quality, and it is a genuine pleasure to continue to participate even after the return of live theatre. Thank you, Jan and Mary Ann, for allowing me to be part of this wonderful experiment.”
— Morris Schorr, actor & director (California)
“I have worked with a few repertory companies and PlayZoomers has been my best experience. Because our work is online, I’ve collaborated with talented actors, directors, playwrights, and designers from around the world. The producers deserve credit for the company’s continued growth and success, including their unswerving commitment to producing original material. It has been my privilege to work with them.”
— Joshua Secunda, director (Massachusetts)
“Thanks to PlayZoomers producers Mary and Jan pushing me out of my comfort zone, my theater world has expanded to international casts and audiences. ”
— Patti Allis Mengers, actor and director (Delaware)
“CONGRATULATIONS to all the actors, directors, playwrights, and behind-the-scenes tech and support staff for making PlayZoomers possible and for getting us to our 100th show! During COVID, when many theatres were dark or had to shut down, I found PlayZoomers - and I was so glad I did. It provided me the opportunity to continue to feed my passion and hone my skills. It’s been a pleasure working with this group and a joy to meet and work with other talented people around the globe. Thanks to Jan Carpman and Mary Ann Hubbard for spearheading this concept, for their dedication to keeping it going, and for their support and friendship over the years!”
— Gary Giurbino, actor (California)
“It has been immensely validating and enjoyable to act with a wide range of talented performers - and to discover the inventive and insightful writings of playwrights new to me. My directors have been kind, encouraging, and exceptionally skilled in bringing productions to life. And yes - it has been occasionally humbling - which is a growth opportunity!”
— Nancy Dydak, actor (Maryland)
“I feel so grateful to have this opportunity to be creative and work in this brand-new, safe medium, connecting with other actors all over the country. The scripts are well-chosen and compelling. Audience feedback is very positive. The producers, directors, and tech people make this a delightful acting experience. ”
— LB Zimmerman, actor (California)
“I am so impressed with how far PlayZoomers has come and the depth and breadth of talent from all over the world. It was a wonderful platform to connect writers, directors, and actors at a time when we felt isolated, and it continues to provide a vehicle for artists to connect in a meaningful way. We’ve adapted to the challenges of Zoom performance whereby it now feels normal. I feel like part of the group even when I am not cast as an actor. ”
— Alice Simon, actor (Pennsylvania)
“It’s not the same as standing toe to toe with other actors. It’s not the same as performing before a live audience whose reactions fill the air you are breathing. But there is a different magic to the PlayZoomers stage. In live theater, the stage actor needs to project a voice to be heard in the farthest reaches of the balcony. The Zoom actor must magically project a presence through untold distances. Many thanks to all those involved in the background design, technical support, playwriting, directing, and producing that make this magic work. ”
— Mike Cohen, actor (Pennsylvania)
“Hearty congratulations to PlayZoomers on reaching a true milestone: its 100th hundredth play! I greatly value my relationship with the company. I have great respect for the producers’ professionalism and for the design team’s creativity in bringing out the best of Zoom’s evolving technology. PlayZoomers has enabled me to bridge the geographic gap between me and wonderful scene partners with insightful and creative directors, and with talented playwrights. Bravo, PlayZoomers!”
— Howard Raik, actor (Illinois)
“For me, PlayZoomers began as light, COVID-safe, entertainment. My husband and I enjoyed our “in-house dinner theatre.” Over the years, we watched with awe and amazement, as plays went from actors’ living rooms and kitchens to full-fledged productions with thought-out backgrounds, music, and props. It was fun to see how you ironed out the challenges of Zoom: “passing” a glass of wine from one screen to the next, patting a shoulder, sharing a laugh. You truly have created another art form. ”
— Dottie Pitt, audience member (Massachusetts)
“PlayZoomers surprises audiences time after time! This is not your pandemic Zoom experience—it’s a provocative and creative use of the platform with top talent in and behind the frames. ”
— Maryann Karinch, audience member (Colorado)
“Congratulations on having the foresight and knowledge to make these Zoom plays available to us! The plays are always interesting, thought-provoking, humorous, and just plain enjoyable. Most amazing is that you engage actors and actresses from different states (and countries) who have never met each other but act in the plays as if they were on stage together! Nothing else is like these plays and I strongly advise all to get on board!”
— Carl Rubis, audience member (Virginia)
“A play-lover’s delight! A delicious potpourri of both topical and whimsical themes, well written, creatively directed, aptly produced, and all presented by a diverse and talented array of actors...this at the touch of your fingertips. Bravo to PlayZoomers!”