December 6-7, 2024
December 6-7, 2024
Drummer Boy
Written by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend
The Little Drummer Boy shows up to worship the newborn king in Bethlehem. It doesn’t go well.
On the Eighth Day of Hanukkah, My True Love Gave to Me
Written by Morey Norkin
A resident of a senior living community receives a Hanukkah gift that proves there really are miracles.
The Long Christmas Journey to Wellesley and Weston
Written by John Minigan
Over the course of 63 years, multiple generations of an Italian immigrant family take a Christmas car ride through time and place on their way to becoming an American family, gaining wealth and status but sacrificing parts of their identity and history.
Drummer Boy
Written by Lisa Dellagiarino Feriend
Directed by Joshua Secunda
With Jamie Zemarel, Jeanne Louise, Brad Van Grack
The Little Drummer Boy shows up to worship the newborn king in Bethlehem. It doesn’t go well.
“Hilarious! Great direction!”
“Brilliant interpretation of the age-old song!”
“Wonderful comic acting by Joseph, Mary, and the little drummer boy himself!”
On the Eighth Day of Hanukkah My True Love Gave to Me
Written by Morey Norkin
Directed by Morris Schorr
With Howard Raik, LB Zimmerman
A resident of a senior living community receives a Hanukkah gift that proves there really are miracles.
“A sweet Hanukkah play, with just enough schmaltz!”
“Tender interpretation by LB Zimmerman and Howard Raik. Gently directed by Morry Schorr.”
The Long Christmas Journey to Wellesley and Weston
Written by John Minigan
Directed by Gary Giurbino
With Carsen Schroeder, Gary Giurbino, Alaina Manzo, Christian Arden
Over the course of 63 years, multiple generations of an Italian immigrant family take a Christmas car ride through time and place on their way to becoming an American family, gaining wealth and status but sacrificing parts of their identity and history.
“A lovely, gentle play - openly reminiscent of Thornton Wilder.”
“A tour de force led by Gary Giurbino - directing, acting, editing - wow!”
“The actors (Gary, Alaina, Carsen, Christian) took on multiple roles and were believable in all of them.”
October 18-19, 2024
October 18-19, 2024
Written by Jack Rushton
A satirical look at theatre and what a playwright might go through to get produced.
Play Dead
Written by Evan Baughfman
Two marsupial friends - one of them an actor - have an important after-hours discussion at the zoo.
Armchair Critic
Written by Nicky Denovan
An award-winning theatre critic is summoned to his editor's office to explain his latest review. Could it be the end of the road? Can Clive keep his career on track? And who is really in the driver's seat?
Tree #2
Written by R.A. Pauli
After being cast as Tree #2 in a community theatre production of Jack and the Beanstalk, Charlie has questions about his role.
A Horse! A Horse!
Written by Steven Otfinoski
Richard III is in desperate need of a horse at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Then along comes horse dealer Sam Smedley just in the nick of time. But getting the steed Smedley's selling turns out to be more of a challenge than poor Richard bargained for.
Written by Jack Rushton
Directed by Morris Schorr
With April Linscott, Joel Snyder, Christine Viviers, Adam Fox, Alice Simon
A satirical look at theatre and what a playwright might go through to get produced.
“A clever satire of behind-the-scenes theatrical ‘drama’!”
“The actors played their over-the-top roles to perfection!”
Play Dead
Written by Evan Baughfman
Directed by Kristina Lloyd
With Alexandra Joyce, Emma Lavaune
Two marsupial friends - one of them an actor - have an important after-hours discussion at the zoo.
“The opossum had me cracking up! ”
“A great duo! ”
Armchair Critic
Written by Nicky Denovan
Directed by Tony Tambasco
With Rob Scavone, David Sayers
An award-winning theatre critic is summoned to his editor's office to explain his latest review. Could it be the end of the road? Can Clive keep his career on track? And who is really in the driver's seat?
“Simply smashing! ”
“They certainly didn’t ‘phone it in’! ”
Tree #2
Written by R.A. Pauli
Directed by Amanda Alch
With Laura Van Vliet, Jake McVicker
After being cast as Tree #2 in a community theatre production of Jack and the Beanstalk, Charlie has questions about his role.
“A sweet nod to everyone who ever felt like a lesser character! ”
A Horse! A Horse!
Written by Steven Otfinoski
Directed by Bari Biern
With Morgan Duncan, Michael Carruthers
Richard III is in desperate need of a horse at the Battle of Bosworth Field. Then along comes horse dealer Sam Smedley just in the nick of time. But getting the steed Smedley's selling turns out to be more of a challenge than poor Richard bargained for.
“The two actors galloped away with this great script! ”
“Loved the costumes and gorgeous background!”
September 13-14, 2024
September 13-14, 2024
The Two of Them
Written by Joe Sutton
THE TWO OF THEM tracks the relationship between two women: Pat Adams, wife of Supreme Court Justice Thomas Adams, and the justice’s one-time accuser, Ashley Duncan. After an extended conversation in which both women reveal dark secrets, their interaction takes a surprising turn.
The Two of Them
The Two of Them
Written by Joe Sutton
Directed by Scott Sedar
With Janit Baldwin and Jean Childers-Arnold
THE TWO OF THEM tracks the relationship between two women: Pat Adams, wife of Supreme Court Justice Thomas Adams, and the justice’s one-time accuser, Ashley Duncan. After an extended conversation in which both women reveal dark secrets, their interaction takes a surprising turn.
“A wonderful evening! Tension, emotion, love. A full plate of theatre.”
“Wow! Very powerful stuff. Incredibly well written and acted. ”
“Beautiful acting. Very engaging. Excellent script. The hypocrisy in their personal lives and Pat’s husband’s career parallels what we’re seeing now in our Supreme Court. Excellent.”
“This was just beautiful. A cast of two is not easy but you both held me on edge the entire time. You managed the layers amazingly well and all the tech magic just rounded everything out wonderfully.”
“Bravo! Bravo! What a moving play, so many layers and spectacular performances!”
June 14-15, 2024
June 14-15, 2024
Written by Kim E. Ruyle
A pair of mismatched writers on a layover happen to meet in an airport lounge. As they discuss living, loving, and writing, they reach a surprising conclusion.
The Mask
Written by Eric Johnston
Monica wants to make love to Andy only when he’s wearing a certain type of mask.
He wants to stop wearing it.
A Random Margarita in the Zone
Written by Arthur Lundquist
Bertha and Clark hang out in a nondescript public place and talk of the moment your entire life may turn on the drink in your hand.
Imperfectly Frank
Written by Seth Freeman
In trying to adapt the tradition of arranged marriage to today’s possibilities, a family’s best-laid plans spin wildly out of control.
I’ve Got a Bun
Written by Cary Pepper
Mason has been cast in a newly discovered, never-before-seen play by a world-class absurdist. But the playwright was a lousy typist.
And the play must be performed exactly as written.
“What a hilarious evening! Five plays in one night, all so strong, all so well acted, directed, staged, and written . . . Wow!
Written by Kim E. Ruyle
Directed by Morris Schorr
With Anthony Backman and Shelby Janes
A pair of mismatched writers on a layover happen to meet in an airport lounge. As they discuss living, loving, and writing, they reach a surprising conclusion.
“New insights about the lives of writers! ”
“Anthony Backman and Shelby Janes had great chemistry!”
“Awesome direction by Morris Schorr!”
The Mask
Written by Eric Johnston
Directed by Jan Carpman and Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
With George Dougherty and Mary Carroll Dougherty
Monica wants to make love to Andy only when he’s wearing a certain type of mask.
He wants to stop wearing it.
“An absurd, yet believable, premise. So timely.”
“Deftly guided by directors Carpman and Hubbard, George and Mary Carroll Dougherty plumbed a cringe-worthy situation with equal parts like and lust.”
A Random Margarita in the Zone
Written by Arthur Lundquist
Directed by Joshua Secunda
With Jeanne Louise and Jamie Zemarel
Bertha and Clark hang out in a nondescript public place and talk of the moment your entire life may turn on the drink in your hand.
“Wonderfully written, directed, and acted!”
“A comedy with depth!”
“Actors Jeanne Louise and Jamie Zemarel used Lundquist’s clever dialogue to whipsaw us through big emotional shifts.”
Imperfectly Frank
Written by Seth Freeman
Directed by Barkha Kishnani
With Mona Bapat, Anil Joseph, Harsh Arora and Shauni Ramai
In trying to adapt the tradition of arranged marriage to today’s possibilities, a family’s best-laid plans spin wildly out of control.
““Imperfectly Frank” was perfect!”
“Smartly written!”
“Well directed and acted by an ensemble new to PlayZoomers! I hope to see more of them all!”
“I enjoyed seeing an East Indian family in a play that subverts your expectations.”
I’ve Got a Bun
Written by Cary Pepper
Directed by Patti Allis Mengers
With Mike Cohen and Norm Thibeault
Mason has been cast in a newly discovered, never-before-seen play by a world-class absurdist. But the playwright was a lousy typist.
And the play must be performed exactly as written.
“What a hoot! (not “shoot”!)”
“Actors Norm Thibeault and Mike Cohen did it again – made us think in the midst of guffawing.”
March 29-30, 2024
March 29-30, 2024
The Follow-Up Fellow
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
When Tim arrives to verify data for the 1910 US Census, Margaret welcomes him into her kitchen and they discover an immediate rapport. Margaret becomes uneasy with his seeming familiarity with the details of her life. When pressed, Tim discloses the extraordinary circumstances that led to their meeting and reveals the time-and-space ties that forever bind them.
The Follow-Up Fellow
The Follow-Up Fellow
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Ansley Valentine
With Sarah Brackett, Adam Mohrs
When Tim arrives to verify data for the 1910 US Census, Margaret welcomes him into her kitchen and they discover an immediate rapport. Margaret becomes uneasy with his seeming familiarity with the details of her life. When pressed, Tim discloses the extraordinary circumstances that led to their meeting and reveals the time-and-space ties that forever bind them.
“What an imaginative, beautifully written play! It did what good art should do – immersed me in the piece itself and made me think about my own life (and the people who came before me.)”
“Sensitively directed by Ansley Valentine, with his usual attention to period detail and character development.”
“Extraordinary acting by Sarah Brackett and Adam Mohrs. I felt that I was in the room with you, feeling what you were feeling!”
“Yet another Tom Stephens play marked by warmth, heart, and beautiful writing! ”
“I teared up several times. If this was only possible, I would jump at the chance to meet a past relative or two. I am writing a book of my ancestry and this wonderful play struck a chord in me. Thank you all.”
Very cool giving us hints of the big twist before revealing it. How very fun!”
February 16-17, 2024
February 16-17, 2024
A Snake with a Ladder
Written by Nick Maynard
Eve is contemplating an apple in the Garden of Eden when a snake named Brian appears... And he has a ladder.
Three Rings, No Diamonds
Written by D.W. Gregory
A relationship coach encounters her most difficult client, a real guy kind of guy -- the kind of guy who is not shy about being a guy -- meaning he's desperately in need of her counsel, which he'll probably ignore.
Seven-Point-Five on Average
Written by Kathryn Ryan
As two moderately unhappy attorneys put the finishing touches on their clients’ contentious divorce agreement, their negotiation takes a surprising turn.
Diane Does It!
Written by John McEnerney
As Diane prepares for her first marathon, she considers how to deal with the man she has dated for ten years when there is no marriage proposal in sight.
“You have perfected the Zoom performance experience. ”
“Delightful foursome! I enjoyed these portraits of imperfection. ”
“The technical direction was flawless! ”
“All plays were so creatively written and brilliantly performed. I was sucked into the stories and mesmerized by the acting. ”
A Snake with a Ladder
Written by Nick Maynard
Directed by Brad Van Grack
With Sam Intrater, Laura Hubbard, Zachary Van Grack
Eve is contemplating an apple in the Garden of Eden when a snake named Brian appears... And he has a ladder.
“Who knew the Garden of Eden was so beautiful, treacherous, and the setting for such frivolity? ”
“I loved Laura Hubbard’s amusingly clueless Eve. ”
“Adam (Sam Entrater) and Eve (Laura Hubbard) were by turns, innocent - after snacking on the infamous apple – embarrassed, and testy. Both conveyed the emotions brilliantly. ”
“Brian, the ssssnake/devil, (Zachary Van Grack) was slimy and hilarious as he wormed his way into Eve’s heart. ”
“Loved Brian’s (the Snake) subtle swagger. ”
Three Rings, No Diamonds
Written by D.W. Gregory
Directed by Morris Schorr
With Jerzy Jung, Adam Fox
A relationship coach encounters her most difficult client, a real guy kind of guy — the kind of guy who is not shy about being a guy — meaning he's desperately in need of her counsel, which he'll probably ignore.
“The relationship coach (Jerzy Jung) kept a tight lid on her feelings, managing not to roll her eyes at her clueless client. The client (Adam Fox) made us doubt that he would ever ‘get it’. ”
“Both actors were both completely believable and effortlessly funny. ”
Seven-Point-Five on Average
Written by Kathryn Ryan
Directed by Kristina Lloyd
With Doug Engalla, Patricia Ferguson
As two moderately unhappy attorneys put the finishing touches on their clients’ contentious divorce agreement, their negotiation takes a surprising turn.
“Whoever heard of two divorce lawyers being so nice to each other? And flirting so outrageously?”
“The attorney for her (Doug Engalla) and the attorney for him (Patricia Ferguson), in their high-rise/high-class office building, served both their clients and themselves with knowing glances and gentle humor. I’d like to hire them for my next divorce!”
“This is the definition of “subtext.” Ms. Ryan and Ms. Lloyd (and the actors) expressed something ulterior through the legal wording. They are on opposite sides, representing combative parties at the end of a relationship, but out of that is this new beginning. Brilliant! ”
Diane Does It!
Written by John McEnerney
Directed by Guy Kapulnik
With Sarah Brackett, Sean Dube
As Diane prepares for her first marathon, she considers how to deal with the man she has dated for ten years when there is no marriage proposal in sight.
“Long-suffering Diane (Sarah Brackett) – always the girlfriend, never the fiancée – finally loses her patience with the charming but indecisive Albert (Sean Dube) in this clever tale of a fateful day in a marathon relationship. ”
“Enjoyed the youthful and wonderfully energetic Diane (Sarah Brackett) and her true love Albert (Sean Dube). ”
“Beautifully directed and acted! ”
December 8-9, 2023
December 8-9, 2023
Santa Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
Written by Patrick Gabridge
Mom and Dad have never quite gotten around to telling their 30-year-old son, Jeffrey, the truth about Santa Claus. This Christmas, they finally spill the beans about some family secrets including the big one.
The Even-Littler Match Girl
Written by Edward Bloor
An older window dresser - no fan of the December holidays - has a run-in with a young department store worker who adores the Christmas season.
The Noir Before Christmas
Written by John Minigan
On Christmas Eve, Mary Claus brings a missing persons case to private detective Jack Frost. Who’s missing? The Fat Man himself! Can Jack find Santa and save Christmas? Will his ex-lover Rudee learn to lay off the peppermint schnapps before her nose goes permanently red?
A Christmas Presence
Written by Felix Racelis
A veteran actor auditions for "A Christmas Carol" and reads for an up-and-coming director, but things don't go exactly as planned.
Yes, Santa Claus, There is a Virginia
Written by Bill Brohaugh and Lisa Holt
In 1897, Santa himself guides the editorial writer of The New York Sun as he writes the classic “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus.”
“Oh, what joy. Bravo! The writing - so very clever. The acting - top notch. The production - perfection. Each play was wonderful, merry, and bright. Tonight, I’ll go to sleep with visions of sugar plums dancing in my head. Thank you!! ”
“I found it interesting that a few of the plays touched on aging creatives. Very relatable. ”
“Great selection of plays tonight. Thanks for the holiday cheer.”
“Thank you, George D., for extending our love and appreciation for Jan & Mary Ann. PZ is quite the wonderful ensemble led by these two amazing women and incredible tech staff. ”
“Wonderful entertainment tonight. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. Congratulations to all who make PlayZoomers such a tremendous vehicle for creativity and a showcase for so much talent! I’ll be back!! ”
“Really enjoyed all the plays! Congratulations to the writers, directors, actors, & all those behind the scenes bringing it together! I think we all need some of that childhood innocence. Bravo! ”
“How lucky to find two, terrific Santas (Steve Allison and Don Converse) with full, white beards and a ring-ting-tingling HO HO HO! ”
Santa Doesn’t Live Here Anymore
Written by Patrick Gabridge
Directed by Morris Schorr
With George Dougherty, Mary Carroll Dougherty, Sean Dube
Mom and Dad have never quite gotten around to telling their 30-year-old son, Jeffrey, the truth about Santa Claus. This Christmas, they finally spill the beans about some family secrets including the big one.
“Wonderful acting by Mom (Mary Carroll Dougherty), Dad (George Dougherty), and Jeffrey (Sean Dube)! Is 30 really too old to still believe in Santa?”
“Poignant contrast between sweet dishonesty and not-so-sweet.”
The Even-Littler Match Girl
Written by Edward Bloor
Directed by Rhonda Goldstein
With Morris Schorr, Jade Williams
An older window dresser - no fan of the December holidays - has a run-in with a young department store worker who adores the Christmas season.
“What a great contrast between the aging curmudgeon and the sweet young thing from H.R.! ”
“Loved the backgrounds, especially the montage of NYC holiday windows! ”
The Noir Before Christmas
Written by John Minigan
Directed by Joshua Secunda
With Jamie Zemarel, Lisa Graham Parson, Jeanne Louise, Don Converse
On Christmas Eve, Mary Claus brings a missing persons case to private detective Jack Frost. Who’s missing? The Fat Man himself! Can Jack find Santa and save Christmas? Will his ex-lover Rudee learn to lay off the peppermint schnapps before her nose goes permanently red?
“Lovely noir piece! ”
“I really felt the noir-ishness! ”
“Loved the hilarious takes on Christmas tropes, such as “North Pole dancing.” ”
“Wonderful acting, all! Jamie Zemarel as Jack Frost, Lisa Grahm Parson as Mary Claus, Don Converse as The Fat Man, and Jeanne Louise as Rudee. Superb ensemble. ”
A Christmas Presence
Written by Felix Racelis
Directed by Kristina Lloyd
With Kate Sargeant, Jim Gerlich
A veteran actor auditions for "A Christmas Carol" and reads for an up-and-coming director, but things don't go exactly as planned.
“This cast was hilarious! ”
“Loved “la-la-la-la-la”! (Should it have been fa-la-la-la-la?)”
“Great to have bits of “A Christmas Carol” without the whole thing. ”
Yes, Santa Claus, There is a Virginia
Written by Bill Brohaugh and Lisa Holt
Directed by Gary Giurbino
With MaKenna Spencer, Adam Triplett, Steve Allison, Rachel Hoover
In 1897, Santa himself guides the editorial writer of The New York Sun as he writes the classic “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus.”
“Such a clever take on the classic story! ”
“How lovely to have a young person as an onstage character in this delightful, upbeat, humorous play. ”
“Loved the period costumes and the Christmas cookies!”
September 29-30, 2023
September 29-30, 2023
Written by Jennifer O’Grady
In her New York City apartment building, Elena -- traumatized by a recent loss and struggling with agoraphobia -- encounters Clara, her older, Czechoslovakian neighbor. During a heartfelt conversation, the two women discover they have more in common than they realize.
Winner of Seven Gold Medals
Written by Ken Green
While performing a mundane household task, a mother and grown son discover some long-forgotten mementos. These act as a catalyst for them to revisit the unexamined past and come to grips with both the present and the future.
Grandma and her Bar Mitzvah Boy
Written by Ernie Joselovitz
Alan is struggling in school and studying for his Bar Mitzvah when his maternal grandmother comes to live with his family for a year. Much later, he looks back upon this time with gratitude for his Grandma’s profound influence on his life.
“Bravo, Bravo, Bravo. What a wonderful evening of theatre! Three marvelous plays highlighting relationships between generations in such insightful and unique ways. What a pleasure to see these very real people—non-stereotypical characters—interact. How well the voices of each generation are written and portrayed. Bravo to the entire PlayZoomers team. ”
“These are all very effective human plays with a theme of older women trying to provide guidance to younger people, with the inevitable frustration. Very well done and the technical features really added to all three productions. ”
Written by Jennifer O’Grady
Directed by Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
With Veronika Pomyateeva, Nancy Dydak
In her New York City apartment building, Elena -- traumatized by a recent loss and struggling with agoraphobia -- encounters Clara, her older, Czechoslovakian neighbor. During a heartfelt conversation, the two women discover they have more in common than they realize.
“Nancy Dydak and Veronika Pomyateeva beautifully executed Jennifer O’Grady’s concise but poignant dialogue — a wonderful example of how less is more. Kudos to you all, and to your very insightful director, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard. ”
“Kudos to the technical and artistic teams. ”
Winner of Seven Gold Medals
Written by Ken Green
Directed by Guy Kapulnik
With Christian Arden, Kim S. Monti
While performing a mundane household task, a mother and grown son discover some long-forgotten mementos. These act as a catalyst for them to revisit the unexamined past and come to grips with both the present and the future.
“It is a lovely story heartwarming, and I love the connection to the culture that feels so real. ”
“Christian Arden played Phillip with naturalness and joy that just felt right. Kim S. Monti was suitably clueless and loving as the mom. Skillfully directed by Guy Kapulnik! ”
Grandma and her Bar Mitzvah Boy
Written by Ernie Joselovitz
Directed by Scott Sedar
With LB Zimmerman, Ethan Mathias, Brad Van Grack
Alan is struggling in school and studying for his Bar Mitzvah when his maternal grandmother comes to live with his family for a year. Much later, he looks back upon this time with gratitude for his Grandma’s profound influence on his life.
“This was a poignant “memory” play by Ernie Joselovitz. The three actors – Brad Van Grack, LB Zimmerman, and Ethan Mathias – brought to life the characters of older Alan, younger Alan, and Grandma. ”
“Congratulations to all of you. Great plays, acting, and wonderful productions. PlayZoomers is such a gift to all of us. ”
“Wonderful work, everyone - strong acting, directing, and writing! Thank you! ”
June 16-17, 2023
June 16-17, 2023
Can You Hear Me Now?
Written by Morey Norkin
Bell and Watson invent a way to revolutionize communication. If only they can find enough string.
The Audition
Written by Steven Otfinoski
A theater director thinks he’s seen everything when an actor auditions for him whose crowning role is the title character in “Waiting for Godot.”
The Sirius Interview
Written by Barbara Alfaro
Tad Sirius, an international dog superstar, is interviewed on a major television network.
The Waiting Room
Written by Steven A. Shapiro
Peter and Wesley, two people brought together with the aspiration of returning to a measure of normality, unearth that which is messy, heartbreaking, and undeniably painful. Did we mention this is a comedy?
Can You Hear Me Now?
Written by Morey Norkin
Directed by Patti Allis Mengers
With Mike Cohen, Norm Thibeault
Bell and Watson invent a way to revolutionize communication. If only they can find enough string.
Very fun to watch and so well acted with the interaction just flowing between Watson and Bell!!”
“Hilarious! Applause, applause!! ”
“Funny and touching! ”
The Audition
Written by Steven Otfinoski
Directed by Joshua Secunda
With Devin May, Gary Giurbino, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
A theater director thinks he’s seen everything when an actor auditions for him whose crowning role is the title character in “Waiting for Godot.”
“The idea of an offstage actor is priceless and Gary Giurbino carried it off superbly!”
“By the end, I was starting to believe in offstage actors! ”
“I laughed out loud! (Possibly my neighbors could hear me!) ”
The Sirius Interview
Written by Barbara Alfaro
Directed by Morris Schorr
With Anthony Backman, Shelby Janes, Ian Nemser
Tad Sirius, an international dog superstar, is interviewed on a major television network.
“Hilarious! ”
“So clever and well done! Arf!!”
“Puns were flying!”
The Waiting Room
Written by Steven A. Shapiro
Directed by Bari Biern
With Kevin Corbett, Jenny Corbett
Peter and Wesley, two people brought together with the aspiration of returning to a measure of normality, unearth that which is messy, heartbreaking, and undeniably painful. Did we mention this is a comedy?
I loved the twist at the end and really got sucked into the storyline! The actors were riveting and poised, and the writing was outstanding. Enjoyed that performance immensely! ”
I was really struck by how funny and outrageous it begins, then becomes so rich and poignant. Bravo!”
““The Waiting Room” was clever, witty, and moving. The acting couple were wonderful together. ”
May 5-7 2023
May 5-7 2023
Written by Robert F. Benjamin
A spunky older woman clashes and banters with a crusty, whimsical curmudgeon. They experience isolation in May 2020 and then a year later, grapple with their changed reality and the need for engagement. Can social distancing spawn an unlikely, lasting friendship? Or more?
Hunker down
Written by Robert F. Benjamin
Directed by Duchess Dale
With Howard Raik, Carolyn Wickwire
A spunky older woman clashes and banters with a crusty, whimsical curmudgeon. They experience isolation in May 2020 and then a year later, grapple with their changed reality and the need for engagement. Can social distancing spawn an unlikely, lasting friendship? Or more?
I LOVED it!! It was like a tennis match. The acting was SUPERB, and the writing is 5 stars. Funny and tender, I loved how the characters change. The ending is beautiful. ”
“What a wonderful production! The story is so true to what so many of us experienced during the core of the pandemic. The writing, direction, and acting were all superb! As an older actor, I appreciate the careful attention to the needs and wishes of older people and the dedicated effort it takes to create and produce this lovely production. Congratulations to all!! ”
“Congratulations to everyone—the playwright, director, actors, producers—for a terrific performance. It was very sweet and filled with much truth and wisdom. And a special congrats to PlayZoomers on your third anniversary. ”
March 24-25, 2023
March 24-25, 2023
Written by Donald Steven Olson
On his first American lecture tour in 1882, Irish poet & playwright Oscar Wilde, calls on his literary hero, the venerable poet Walt Whitman. Cultures clash, egos flare, words fly and secrets emerge as these two geniuses face off in one unforgettable meeting of hearts, minds, and poetry.
oscar & walt
Written by Donald Steven Olson
Directed by Ansley Valentine
With Steve Scott, Devin May and Greta Lind
On his first American lecture tour in 1882, Irish poet & playwright Oscar Wilde, calls on his literary hero, the venerable poet Walt Whitman. Cultures clash, egos flare, words fly and secrets emerge as these two geniuses face off in one unforgettable meeting of hearts, minds, and poetry.
“Stunning and remarkable in every way! ”
“I loved the humor and bon mots! ”
“I’m so impressed with the production – the writing, acting, and directing! ”
“To quote Col. Pickering, it was a triumph! Great story, dialogue, acting, set dressing, etc. Truly, a home run. ”
“WOW! We really enjoyed the play — from the story to the acting to the direction and set. ”
“Fabulous play & performance!!!! Loved the comment that it was like old-time TV of live plays. ”
“I loved every minute as did my friends. ”
February 10-11, 2023
February 10-11, 2023
Speed Dating
Written by Curt Strickland
A widow and a widower – each deeply affected by loss – reluctantly attend a dating meet-up in a hotel conference room. Their back-and-forth banter leads somewhere different than they expected.
One Night Stan
Written by Adam Szudrich
Three women recount their dates with Stan in a rat-a-tat barrage of lust, self-doubt, and questionable dance moves. A comedy about seeing the same things through very different eyes.
Written by Jennifer O’Grady
Novelist Charles Dickens and his wife Kate Dickens speak about the legal separation he initiated after 22 years of marriage and nine children—narratives that differ substantially from each other. A play about power and women's lives.
The Pickup
Written by Donald Loftus
He sees her and gives her the eye. She sees him and flirts back. And then, just when it appears something is going to happen, the cell phone rings.
Speed Dating
Written by Curt Strickland
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Jamie Zemarel, LB Zimmerman
A widow and a widower – each deeply affected by loss – reluctantly attend a dating meet-up in a hotel conference room. Their back-and-forth banter leads somewhere different than they expected.
“A perfect combination of writing, directing, and acting. The initial funny dialogue was delivered seriously, which made it work so well! It was a real conversation, not dueling monologues. The “reveal” of their actual histories rang true and made me happy that these two characters whom I had grown to care about would get together. ”
“Kudos to Ms. Zimmerman and Mr. Zemarel for their dry delivery!”
“I loved “Speed Dating”! It made me laugh out loud! I was really happy with the unexpected switch at the end. Bravo!”
“My wife and I loved this “wit-matching” contest of two delightful characters. Fabulous directing!”
One Night Stan
Written by Adam Szudrich
Directed by Duchess Dale
With Kristin Naomi Garcia, Kim S. Monti, Mira Singer
Three women recount their dates with Stan in a rat-a-tat barrage of lust, self-doubt, and questionable dance moves. A comedy about seeing the same things through very different eyes.
“The pacing was accomplished really well! ”
“Really enjoyed “One Night Stan” showing how one event can be experienced so differently.”
“Charming and funny! ”
Written by Jennifer O’Grady
Directed by Marc Verzatt
With Don Converse, Nancy Dydak
Novelist Charles Dickens and his wife Kate Dickens speak about the legal separation he initiated after 22 years of marriage and nine children—narratives that differ substantially from each other. A play about power and women's lives.
““Expectations” was both poignant and enlightening — bravo to the actors, director, and playwright. ”
“I was moved by Charles and Kate Dickens. ”
“The characters came off as believable personalities! ”
The Pickup
Written by Donald Loftus
Directed by Morris Schorr
With Patricia Mizen, Anthony Backman, April Lipscott
He sees her and gives her the eye. She sees him and flirts back. And then, just when it appears something is going to happen, the cell phone rings.
“Loved “The Pickup”. Excellent script and fantastic acting. ”
““The Pickup” theme is so necessary in these times. ”
“The ending surprised (and delighted) me! ”
December 9-10, 2022
December 9-10, 2022
Santa Noir
Written by James McLindon
Santa pauses on his rounds for a snack ... and comes face-to- face with his darkest secret.
Best Present Ever
Written by Mark Harvey Levine
A woman spends Christmas away from her family and gets some truly awful Christmas presents. But she misses the Best Present Ever.
Love, The Andersons
Written by Vicki Riba Koestler & Allen Morrison
Linda and Charles are all set to be admitted to heaven. They’ve lived good, productive lives, and even brought documentation. But all does not go smoothly at the pearly gates.
Santa Noir
Written by James McLindon
Directed by Joshua Secunda
AD Taiwo Aloba
With Jamie Zemarel, Alexandra Hess, Alexandra Floras-Matic
Santa pauses on his rounds for a snack ... and comes face-to- face with his darkest secret.
“Wow! Who knew? Santa’s naughty secret was well hidden! ”
“Jamie Zemarel brought just the right “Scotch and Marlboros” characterization to his Santa Noir. ”
“Terrific acting by Alex Hess as Goth Noelle and Alex Floras-Matic as sexy Donna. ”
Best Present Ever
Written by Mark Harvey Levine
Directed by Morris Schorr
With Ann E. Nunez, Frederick Slate, Howard Raik
A woman spends Christmas away from her family and gets some truly awful Christmas presents. But she misses the Best Present Ever.
“This made me laugh out loud! ”
“I thought pets were the best present ever, but this cat and dog made me understand otherwise!”
“Great ensemble acting by the Chicago 3!”
Love, The Andersons
Written by Vicki Riba Koestler & Allen Morrison
Directed by Rhonda Goldstein
With Lynda Joel, Dana Hubbard, Don Converse
Linda and Charles are all set to be admitted to heaven. They’ve lived good, productive lives, and even brought documentation. But all does not go smoothly at the pearly gates.
“I’ll certainly think twice before I write another holiday newsletter! ”
“I hope I eventually go to heaven so I can meet Don Converse’s S.P. (Saint Peter)! ”
“It was a treat to watch Charles (Dana Hubbard) sweetly cringe as his wife (Lynda Joel) reveled in her annual bragfest!”
October 28-29, 2022
October 28-29, 2022
How We Saved The World
Written by Jack Beatty
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, two Cold War enemies engage in a confrontation that could end the world. Two words make the difference.
Lost Angela: Night Terrors
Written by Jean Childers-Arnold
Terrified by his inability to recover from his WWII military experiences, and panicked by his wife’s disappearance, a young veteran calls in a detective agency to help find her.
How We Saved The World
Written by Jack Beatty
Directed by Stephen Benson
With Dana Hubbard, Joshua Secunda
During the Cuban Missile Crisis, two Cold War enemies engage in a confrontation that could end the world. Two words make the difference.
We’re especially grateful for Jack Beatty’s bridge from this fraught moment to the Cuban Missile Crisis’ unlooked-for moment of grace. ”
“Terrific direction by Stephen Benson and splendid acting by Joshua Secunda and Dana Hubbard. It felt like we were there! ”
Lost Angela: Night Terrors
Written and Directed by Jean Childers-Arnold
With Kyle Fiorelli, Tim Giebel, Michael Dwiggins, Nancy Dydak, Christopher Centinaro
Terrified by his inability to recover from his WWII military experiences, and panicked by his wife’s disappearance, a young veteran calls in a detective agency to help find her.
“Compelling script and great ensemble acting! A needed dramatization of PTSD! ”
Wonderful scene-setting in music, video, and backgrounds! Impressed by how 40s noir LA has such an abiding allure in our collective consciousness. ”
September 23-24, 2022
September 23-24, 2022
May Tag
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Russian émigrés Rudolph and Natalia sort through their relationship during a washing machine repair call.
Written by Mark Harvey Levine
A couple wakes up to find the script of the play that they are in -- the very play we're watching. Everything they do, every word they're about to say has already been written down for them.
That Froelich Girl
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
After years and lives apart, a not-so-casual encounter reunites high school sweethearts.
May Tag
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Kenli Doss
With Christian Arden, Veronika Pomyateeva
Russian émigrés Rudolph and Natalia sort through their relationship during a washing machine repair call.
“Beautiful, tender story!””
““Who knew a mundane laundromat could be the setting for a tiny gem of a love story?””
”Fine portrayals of both characters.”
Written by Mark Harvey Levine
Directed by Morris Schorr
With Mary Carroll Dougherty, George Dougherty
A couple wakes up to find the script of the play that they are in -- the very play we're watching. Everything they do, every word they're about to say has already been written down for them.
““Unique and wonderful!””
““As always, playwright Mark Harvey Levine puts his finger on the space bar between sweet and funny.””
That Froelich Girl
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Bari Biern
With Morgan Duncan, Hilary Kacser
After years and lives apart, a not-so-casual encounter reunites high school sweethearts.
““Tom Stephens gives a fresh take on the saying, “Love never dies.””
““Tom Stephens nailed the characters perfectly.””
““Quite delightful!””
June 17-18, 2022
June 17-18, 2022
Chemistry Date
Written by Lenny Hort
Dating show host, Iona Bond, tries to find the chemistry between Chlorine and Sodium.
On Queue
Written by Morey Norkin
Two strangers, drawn to an unexplained event, try to fill time while waiting for something, anything, to happen.
Sex is for the Heart
Written by Art Shulman
A man recovering from a heart attack has good reason (so he thinks) not to satisfy his sex-deprived wife.
The Kiss
Written by Mark Harvey Levine
Dennis asks his best friend Allison to judge his kissing skills, Can he help it if she has to kiss him to do it?
A First-Draft, Second-Rate Love Story
Written by John Busser
Will our lovers - John and Vivian - find the love that's eluded them for so long, or will her shocking past prove too much?
Chemistry Date
Written by Lenny Hort
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Alice Simon, Lisa Graham Parson, Justin Hanks
Dating show host, Iona Bond, tries to find the chemistry between Chlorine and Sodium.
“My husband, being quite a chemistry nerd, fell down laughing. Really well written, and exquisitely acted! ”
On Queue
Written by Morey Norkin
Directed by Patti Allis Mengers
AD Rosa Stern Pait
With Mike Cohen, Norm Thibeault
Two strangers, drawn to an unexplained event, try to fill time while waiting for something, anything, to happen.
“The Queue boys made me laugh out loud! ”
Sex is for the Heart
Written by Art Shulman
Directed by Morry Schorr
AD Kenli Doss
With LB Zimmerman, Joel Snyder
A man recovering from a heart attack has good reason (so he thinks) not to satisfy his sex-deprived wife.
“Sheila and Ed, great job!! This topic hits close to home. Very entertaining! ”
The Kiss
Written by Mark Harvey Levine
Directed by Scott Sedar
AD Taylor McKenzie
With Mary Carroll Dougherty, George Dougherty
Dennis asks his best friend Allison to judge his kissing skills, Can he help it if she has to kiss him to do it?
“Tension from the get-go. Actors made this so real. Great script and wonderful direction. Everything is utterly convincing. ”
A First-Draft, Second-Rate Love Story
Written by John Busser
Directed by Bari Biern
AD Darius A. Journigan
With Kevin Corbett, Jenny Corbett, Brad Van Grack, Jamie Zemarel, April Linscott
Will our lovers - John and Vivian - find the love that's eluded them for so long, or will her shocking past prove too much?
“I laughed out loud! Wonderful wackiness. Great writing.”
May 20-21, 2022
May 20-21, 2022
Written by Stan Werse
An homage to the gritty black-and-white movie crime dramas of the past - movies like “The Maltese Falcon,” “The Big Sleep,” and “Double Indemnity.”
The play is the story of an idealistic, young police detective - Clay Holden - who is promoted after throwing a suspect out of a high-rise window in self-defense. Clay is respected by his boss - Lieutenant Grimes - but there’s something about his story that his new partner - McQue - doesn’t buy.
Clay falls in love with the beautiful and rich Helen Lydecker. She’s being blackmailed by a man named Fritz Klein. She asks Clay to frighten him away. He reluctantly agrees but inadvertently kills Klein. He’s then assigned to his first big case, an unsolved murder. The victim’s name? Fritz Klein.
Clay drags his feet as Grimes tries to help Clay solve the case. The more the facts come out, the more it seems to Clay as if he’s been set up. And all the while, McQue is trying to solve the riddle of who Clay Holden really is.
Written by Stan Werse
Directed by Steve Yakutis
AD Kenli Doss
With Gary Giurbino, Jean Childers Arnold, Michael Curry, Eric-Jon Tasker
An homage to the gritty black-and-white movie crime dramas of the past - movies like “The Maltese Falcon,” “The Big Sleep,” and “Double Indemnity.”
The play is the story of an idealistic, young police detective - Clay Holden - who is promoted after throwing a suspect out of a high-rise window in self-defense. Clay is respected by his boss - Lieutenant Grimes - but there’s something about his story that his new partner - McQue - doesn’t buy.
Clay falls in love with the beautiful and rich Helen Lydecker. She’s being blackmailed by a man named Fritz Klein. She asks Clay to frighten him away. He reluctantly agrees but inadvertently kills Klein. He’s then assigned to his first big case, an unsolved murder. The victim’s name? Fritz Klein.
Clay drags his feet as Grimes tries to help Clay solve the case. The more the facts come out, the more it seems to Clay as if he’s been set up. And all the while, McQue is trying to solve the riddle of who Clay Holden really is.
“I think you’ve created a new form of theatre. My expectations were exceeded in every way. ”
“Like a great hybrid of a play and a movie! ”
Awesome visuals!”
“Fabulous and fascinating!”
“Impressive show! I can’t believe it was live!”
April 22-23, 2022
April 22-23, 2022
The Holiest of Sacraments
Written by Patricia Connelly
Molly Marie Fitzgerald is trying to make her first Confession to make her First Holy Communion the next day, but what sin does she have to confess?
Sex Ed for Mom
Written by Laurie Tanner
Claire has had a rough, lonely, and demoralizing year after separating from her husband. Her daughter Honey thinks she has thought of the perfect birthday gift for her mother. But is Claire ready for the surprise on her doorstep?
Stockholm Syndrome
Written by James McLindon
A princess and her prince seek marriage counseling after their fairytale wedding is over and reality begins.
(The title, “Stockholm Syndrome,” refers to a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity.)
The Holiest of Sacraments
Written by Patricia Connelly
Directed by James Mumford
AD Raphael Schwartzman
With Jim Lawson, Margo Hera
Molly Marie Fitzgerald is trying to make her first Confession to make her First Holy Communion the next day, but what sin does she have to confess?
“Thanks for bringing humanity and humor to my former little Catholic girl self!”
“ If Molly is really an adult, I’m blown away!”
Sex Ed for Mom
Written and Directed by Laurie Tanner
AD Audrey Napoli
With Kathy Harmer, Jakob Mendoza-Reitz, Audrey Napoli
Claire has had a rough, lonely, and demoralizing year after separating from her husband. Her daughter Honey thinks she has thought of the perfect birthday gift for her mother. But is Claire ready for the surprise on her doorstep?
“Such an open and curious dynamic between Claire and Steve! Such a fabulous job by the actors!”
Stockholm Syndrome
Written by James McLindon
Directed by Doug MacDougall
AD Taylor McKenzie
With Sydney Maloney, Song Wang, Doug MacDougall
A princess and her prince seek marriage counseling after their fairytale wedding is over and reality begins.
(The title, “Stockholm Syndrome,” refers to a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity.)
“The animation added such a fun and unexpected dimension to the wonderful script!”
March 18-19, 2022
March 18-19, 2022
Backstage Fairytale
Written by Michael John McGoldrick
A writer meets up with a former lover, now a successful New York actor, to reveal he’s written a play about her. A romantic comedy about romantic comedies and the psychic needs that fuel the creative instinct.
Backstage Fairytale
Backstage Fairytale
Written by Michael John McGoldrick
Directed by Duchess Dake
AD Darius Journigan
With Roy Stanton, Kate Bergeron
A writer meets up with a former lover, now a successful New York actor, to reveal he’s written a play about her. A romantic comedy about romantic comedies and the psychic needs that fuel the creative instinct.
“That was outstanding! The play, the acting, the tech, everything! Whew! ”
“Just breathtaking!!! You made me laugh and made me cry at the end. You had great chemistry and I was just totally engrossed in the story. ”
“Congrats to the playwright. Love your writing! Amazing direction and acting. Hard to believe the actors were not in the same room. ”
February 18-19, 2022
February 18-19, 2022
Written by Greg Lam
A couple’s special plans on a camping trip are interrupted by a succession of time travelers desperate to prevent catastrophe in the future.
Dark Matter
Written by Donald Loftus
Meet Marion and Palmer. They have been married for a long time. Maybe too long. The marriage has gone sour. Marion is not happy. Palmer thinks he is happy, but he cannot be sure. Both wish it could all return to the way it was...before the abduction... but of course, both know it cannot. “THEY” would never allow it.
Written by Tony Manzo
Is adultery contagious? Let’s ask Amy and Sal.
Rosa and Leo
Written by Adam Szudrich
Five decades after secretly falling in love in a Nazi concentration camp, Rosa and Leo rediscover each other on opposite sides of the world.
Written by Greg Lam
Directed by Bari Biern
AD Darius Journigan
With Nessa Amherst, Laura Hubbard, Ebie Prideaux
A couple’s special plans on a camping trip are interrupted by a succession of time travelers desperate to prevent catastrophe in the future.
“Wonderful performances! Really deep and thoughtful. ”
Dark Matter
Written by Donald Loftus
Directed by Laurie Tanner
AD Rosa Stern Pait
With Jesus Reyna, Karla A. Rennhofer
Meet Marion and Palmer. They have been married for a long time. Maybe too long. The marriage has gone sour. Marion is not happy. Palmer thinks he is happy, but he cannot be sure. Both wish it could all return to the way it was...before the abduction... but of course, both know it cannot. “THEY” would never allow it.
“An amazing production. Real and intimate! ”
Written by Tony Manzo
Directed by Thomas W. Stephens
AD Joe Chance Dudley
With Janit Baldwin, Dana Hubbard
Is adultery contagious? Let’s ask Amy and Sal.
“Beautifully acted and directed. Bravo! ”
Rosa and Leo
Written by Adam Szudrich
Directed by Stephen Benson
With Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard, Howard A. Raik
Five decades after secretly falling in love in a Nazi concentration camp, Rosa and Leo rediscover each other on opposite sides of the world.
“Left me speechless. So moving. Well done. So very well done. ”