October 22-23, 2021
Four variations on the theme of backstage drama: dynamics between an ultra-pompous director and a willing actor - a leading lady and man who throw sophisticated tantrums when their performances don’t match their expectations - Shakespearian actors who tell off the Bard after the first reading of "Hamlet" - and three characters desperately trying to make sense of an avant-garde script.
The Actawr and the Directawr
Written by Art Shulman
Directed by Steve Yakutis
AD Kenli Doss
With Kristina Feldesman and Michael Curry
The ultra-pompous director of a one-minute play has his first of many planned rehearsals with an inexperienced - but willing - actor.
“. . . a delightful contrast of pretense and innocence, well-written and well-executed. “Hitchcock, Wild Bill...” has got to be one of the funniest lines of the season! ”
Curtain Call
Written by Greg Hatfield
Directed by Sabrina Carmichael
AD Sydney Matuszak
With Blake Walton, Alice Simon, Lana Ford, and Josh Allen Goldman
The play is a hit, but two of the lead actors don’t feel it’s working and their performances aren’t up to their standard, so they want out.
“Greg Hatfield’s spot-on script takes us back to the days of Alfred Lunt, Lynn Fontanne, and Noel Coward, winningly played by Blake Walton, Alice Simon, and Josh Allen Goldman. Applause to the director et al for a beautiful, enjoyable romp. ( Blake’s eyebrows qualify as their own character!)”
Written by Sam Graber
Directed by Stephen Benson
AD Rebecca Wilson
With Shawn Perry, David Fisher, Joaquín Madrid Larrañaga, Jeremiah Benjamin, Akshaya Pattanayak, and Sam Deans
Having finished reading aloud the first draft of Hamlet, actors deliver feedback to the playwright.
“The nerve of these actors talking back to the Bard about Hamlet, that masterpiece with the funny name! Their complaints are hilarious (“Too many words!”), self-serving (“Why can’t my part be bigger?”), and diva-worthy (“My vocal instrument is being strained!”). A wonderful production of Sam Graber’s oh-so-clever play! ”
3 Characters Figure It Out
Written by Matthew McLachlan
Directed by Joshua Secunda
AD Taiwo Aloba
With Cathy Chang, Don Converse, Gary Giurbino, Mona Bapat
While trying to work out the play they are in, three characters are forced to act out random, nonsensical things, much to the enjoyment of the fourth character, "Stage Directions." When things get a bit too ridiculous, tensions rise, and the point of the whole thing is questioned.
“An incredible production of a challenging play - brilliant directing, acting, and tech. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute! ”