January 21-22, 2022






"Did you hear what she said! Did you hear what he said! OMG! I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” Ever wonder what is going on that table with the oh, so intent looks back and forth? Now you can eavesdrop on some very personal conversations. Some are funny, some are sad. But each is an honest, if unexpected, moment.

Mother’s Day

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Rebecca Wilson
AD Darius Journigan

With Nisha Singh, Joaquín Madrid Larrañaga, and Laura Hubbard

That’s my birth mother? No, no, no. She’s way too young!

Superb acting! Bravo! Brava! to all . . .
— M.G.

Pro Bono

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Morry Schorr

AD Rosa Stern Pait

With Roy Stanton, Cathy Chang, and Sam Deans

Sometimes you have to share a table with a stranger. His old jokes sound new. But your crisis is all your own.

Great production values to make all the pieces flow together so well.
— D.D.

If I Go First

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Morry Schorr

AD Rosa Stern Pait

With Howard Raik, Carolyn Wickwire, and Sam Deans

Harry and Lizzy have lived a good life together. But Lizzy is sick and in pain, and wants to exit on her own terms. It’s time to have The Talk.

I really enjoyed these plays - great variety and laced with humor as well as emotion.
— L.T.

Drinks With The Boss

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Rebecca Wilson

AD Darius Journigan

With Meghan Lane, Aniko Olah, and Laura Hubbard

There’s a newbie on the corporate team who’s reluctant to take credit where credit is due. Does she need some oomph from the Queen Bee or a good kick in the behind?

Each play had great suspense and kept me hanging on until the very end.
— Q. F. S.

Lunch With Dad

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Jan Carpman

AD Maeve Chapman

With Calla Fuqua, Bill Bodie, and Sam Deans

Facing the imminent death of her father, a young singer turns to her music teacher for comfort. Together, they will experience something very different.

We really got caught up in the moments!
— E.M.

February 18-19, 2022


December 10-11, 2021