Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

December 9-10, 2022

December 9-10, 2022

Santa Noir

Written by James McLindon

Santa pauses on his rounds for a snack ... and comes face-to- face with his darkest secret.

Best Present Ever

Written by Mark Harvey Levine

A woman spends Christmas away from her family and gets some truly awful Christmas presents. But she misses the Best Present Ever.

Love, The Andersons

Written by Vicki Riba Koestler & Allen Morrison

Linda and Charles are all set to be admitted to heaven. They’ve lived good, productive lives, and even brought documentation. But all does not go smoothly at the pearly gates.

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Santa Noir

Written by James McLindon
Directed by Joshua Secunda

AD Taiwo Aloba

With Jamie Zemarel, Alexandra Hess, Alexandra Floras-Matic

Santa pauses on his rounds for a snack ... and comes face-to- face with his darkest secret.

Wow! Who knew? Santa’s naughty secret was well hidden!
— S.B.
Jamie Zemarel brought just the right “Scotch and Marlboros” characterization to his Santa Noir.
— J. W.
Terrific acting by Alex Hess as Goth Noelle and Alex Floras-Matic as sexy Donna.
— P.C.

Best Present Ever

Written by Mark Harvey Levine
Directed by Morris Schorr

With Ann E. Nunez, Frederick Slate, Howard Raik

A woman spends Christmas away from her family and gets some truly awful Christmas presents. But she misses the Best Present Ever.

This made me laugh out loud!
— K. L.
I thought pets were the best present ever, but this cat and dog made me understand otherwise!
— W. O’D.
Great ensemble acting by the Chicago 3!
— A. F.

Love, The Andersons

Written by Vicki Riba Koestler & Allen Morrison
Directed by Rhonda Goldstein

With Lynda Joel, Dana Hubbard, Don Converse

Linda and Charles are all set to be admitted to heaven. They’ve lived good, productive lives, and even brought documentation. But all does not go smoothly at the pearly gates.

I’ll certainly think twice before I write another holiday newsletter!
— H. C
I hope I eventually go to heaven so I can meet Don Converse’s S.P. (Saint Peter)!
— N. M.
It was a treat to watch Charles (Dana Hubbard) sweetly cringe as his wife (Lynda Joel) reveled in her annual bragfest!
— D. C.
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

October 28-29, 2022

October 28-29, 2022

How We Saved The World

Written by Jack Beatty

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, two Cold War enemies engage in a confrontation that could end the world. Two words make the difference.

Lost Angela: Night Terrors

Written by Jean Childers-Arnold

Terrified by his inability to recover from his WWII military experiences, and panicked by his wife’s disappearance, a young veteran calls in a detective agency to help find her.

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How We Saved The World

Written by Jack Beatty
Directed by Stephen Benson

With Dana Hubbard, Joshua Secunda

During the Cuban Missile Crisis, two Cold War enemies engage in a confrontation that could end the world. Two words make the difference.

We’re especially grateful for Jack Beatty’s bridge from this fraught moment to the Cuban Missile Crisis’ unlooked-for moment of grace.
— W.C.
Terrific direction by Stephen Benson and splendid acting by Joshua Secunda and Dana Hubbard. It felt like we were there!
— S.N.

Lost Angela: Night Terrors

Written and Directed by Jean Childers-Arnold

With Kyle Fiorelli, Tim Giebel, Michael Dwiggins, Nancy Dydak, Christopher Centinaro

Terrified by his inability to recover from his WWII military experiences, and panicked by his wife’s disappearance, a young veteran calls in a detective agency to help find her.

Compelling script and great ensemble acting! A needed dramatization of PTSD!
— K.O.

Wonderful scene-setting in music, video, and backgrounds! Impressed by how 40s noir LA has such an abiding allure in our collective consciousness.
— F.R.
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

September 23-24, 2022

September 23-24, 2022

May Tag

Written by Thomas W. Stephens

Russian émigrés Rudolph and Natalia sort through their relationship during a washing machine repair call.


Written by Mark Harvey Levine

A couple wakes up to find the script of the play that they are in -- the very play we're watching. Everything they do, every word they're about to say has already been written down for them.

That Froelich Girl

Written by Thomas W. Stephens

After years and lives apart, a not-so-casual encounter reunites high school sweethearts.

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May Tag

Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Kenli Doss

With Christian Arden, Veronika Pomyateeva

Russian émigrés Rudolph and Natalia sort through their relationship during a washing machine repair call.

“Beautiful, tender story!”
— P. M.
— B. W
“Who knew a mundane laundromat could be the setting for a tiny gem of a love story?”
— N.S.

”Fine portrayals of both characters.”
— B. W.


Written by Mark Harvey Levine
Directed by Morris Schorr

With Mary Carroll Dougherty, George Dougherty

A couple wakes up to find the script of the play that they are in -- the very play we're watching. Everything they do, every word they're about to say has already been written down for them.

“Unique and wonderful!”
— J.D.
“As always, playwright Mark Harvey Levine puts his finger on the space bar between sweet and funny.”
— S.R.

That Froelich Girl

Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Bari Biern

With Morgan Duncan, Hilary Kacser

After years and lives apart, a not-so-casual encounter reunites high school sweethearts.

“Tom Stephens gives a fresh take on the saying, “Love never dies.”
— E. E.
— D. D.
— A. F.
“Tom Stephens nailed the characters perfectly.”
— A.B.
“Quite delightful!”
— R. O.
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

June 17-18, 2022

June 17-18, 2022

Chemistry Date

Written by Lenny Hort

Dating show host, Iona Bond, tries to find the chemistry between Chlorine and Sodium.

On Queue

Written by Morey Norkin

Two strangers, drawn to an unexplained event, try to fill time while waiting for something, anything, to happen.

Sex is for the Heart

Written by Art Shulman

A man recovering from a heart attack has good reason (so he thinks) not to satisfy his sex-deprived wife.

The Kiss

Written by Mark Harvey Levine

Dennis asks his best friend Allison to judge his kissing skills, Can he help it if she has to kiss him to do it?

A First-Draft, Second-Rate Love Story

Written by John Busser

Will our lovers - John and Vivian - find the love that's eluded them for so long, or will her shocking past prove too much?

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Chemistry Date

Written by Lenny Hort
Directed by Jan Carpman

With Alice Simon, Lisa Graham Parson, Justin Hanks

Dating show host, Iona Bond, tries to find the chemistry between Chlorine and Sodium.

My husband, being quite a chemistry nerd, fell down laughing. Really well written, and exquisitely acted!
— P.G.

On Queue

Written by Morey Norkin
Directed by Patti Allis Mengers
AD Rosa Stern Pait

With Mike Cohen, Norm Thibeault

Two strangers, drawn to an unexplained event, try to fill time while waiting for something, anything, to happen.

The Queue boys made me laugh out loud!
— N.D.

Sex is for the Heart

Written by Art Shulman
Directed by Morry Schorr

AD Kenli Doss

With LB Zimmerman, Joel Snyder

A man recovering from a heart attack has good reason (so he thinks) not to satisfy his sex-deprived wife.

Sheila and Ed, great job!! This topic hits close to home. Very entertaining!
— N.S.

The Kiss

Written by Mark Harvey Levine
Directed by Scott Sedar

AD Taylor McKenzie

With Mary Carroll Dougherty, George Dougherty

Dennis asks his best friend Allison to judge his kissing skills, Can he help it if she has to kiss him to do it?

Tension from the get-go. Actors made this so real. Great script and wonderful direction. Everything is utterly convincing.
— M.E.

A First-Draft, Second-Rate Love Story

Written by John Busser
Directed by Bari Biern

AD Darius A. Journigan

With Kevin Corbett, Jenny Corbett, Brad Van Grack, Jamie Zemarel, April Linscott

Will our lovers - John and Vivian - find the love that's eluded them for so long, or will her shocking past prove too much?

I laughed out loud! Wonderful wackiness. Great writing.
— M.G.
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

May 20-21, 2022

May 20-21, 2022


Written by Stan Werse

An homage to the gritty black-and-white movie crime dramas of the past - movies like “The Maltese Falcon,” “The Big Sleep,” and “Double Indemnity.”

The play is the story of an idealistic, young police detective - Clay Holden - who is promoted after throwing a suspect out of a high-rise window in self-defense. Clay is respected by his boss - Lieutenant Grimes - but there’s something about his story that his new partner - McQue - doesn’t buy.

Clay falls in love with the beautiful and rich Helen Lydecker. She’s being blackmailed by a man named Fritz Klein. She asks Clay to frighten him away. He reluctantly agrees but inadvertently kills Klein. He’s then assigned to his first big case, an unsolved murder. The victim’s name? Fritz Klein.

Clay drags his feet as Grimes tries to help Clay solve the case. The more the facts come out, the more it seems to Clay as if he’s been set up. And all the while, McQue is trying to solve the riddle of who Clay Holden really is.

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Written by Stan Werse
Directed by Steve Yakutis
AD Kenli Doss

With Gary Giurbino, Jean Childers Arnold, Michael Curry, Eric-Jon Tasker

An homage to the gritty black-and-white movie crime dramas of the past - movies like “The Maltese Falcon,” “The Big Sleep,” and “Double Indemnity.”

The play is the story of an idealistic, young police detective - Clay Holden - who is promoted after throwing a suspect out of a high-rise window in self-defense. Clay is respected by his boss - Lieutenant Grimes - but there’s something about his story that his new partner - McQue - doesn’t buy.

Clay falls in love with the beautiful and rich Helen Lydecker. She’s being blackmailed by a man named Fritz Klein. She asks Clay to frighten him away. He reluctantly agrees but inadvertently kills Klein. He’s then assigned to his first big case, an unsolved murder. The victim’s name? Fritz Klein.

Clay drags his feet as Grimes tries to help Clay solve the case. The more the facts come out, the more it seems to Clay as if he’s been set up. And all the while, McQue is trying to solve the riddle of who Clay Holden really is.

I think you’ve created a new form of theatre. My expectations were exceeded in every way.
— S.W.
Like a great hybrid of a play and a movie!
— L.W.

Awesome visuals!
— A.V.
Fabulous and fascinating!
— D.P.
Impressive show! I can’t believe it was live!
— W.L
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

April 22-23, 2022

April 22-23, 2022

The Holiest of Sacraments

Written by Patricia Connelly

Molly Marie Fitzgerald is trying to make her first Confession to make her First Holy Communion the next day, but what sin does she have to confess?

Sex Ed for Mom

Written by Laurie Tanner

Claire has had a rough, lonely, and demoralizing year after separating from her husband. Her daughter Honey thinks she has thought of the perfect birthday gift for her mother. But is Claire ready for the surprise on her doorstep?

Stockholm Syndrome

Written by James McLindon

A princess and her prince seek marriage counseling after their fairytale wedding is over and reality begins.

(The title, “Stockholm Syndrome,” refers to a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity.)

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The Holiest of Sacraments

Written by Patricia Connelly
Directed by James Mumford
AD Raphael Schwartzman

With Jim Lawson, Margo Hera

Molly Marie Fitzgerald is trying to make her first Confession to make her First Holy Communion the next day, but what sin does she have to confess?

Thanks for bringing humanity and humor to my former little Catholic girl self!
— D.D.
If Molly is really an adult, I’m blown away!
— D.P.

Sex Ed for Mom

Written and Directed by Laurie Tanner
AD Audrey Napoli

With Kathy Harmer, Jakob Mendoza-Reitz, Audrey Napoli

Claire has had a rough, lonely, and demoralizing year after separating from her husband. Her daughter Honey thinks she has thought of the perfect birthday gift for her mother. But is Claire ready for the surprise on her doorstep?

Such an open and curious dynamic between Claire and Steve! Such a fabulous job by the actors!
— N.S.

Stockholm Syndrome

Written by James McLindon
Directed by Doug MacDougall

AD Taylor McKenzie

With Sydney Maloney, Song Wang, Doug MacDougall

A princess and her prince seek marriage counseling after their fairytale wedding is over and reality begins.

(The title, “Stockholm Syndrome,” refers to a condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors during captivity.)

The animation added such a fun and unexpected dimension to the wonderful script!
— W.K.
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

March 18-19, 2022

March 18-19, 2022

Backstage Fairytale

Written by Michael John McGoldrick

A writer meets up with a former lover, now a successful New York actor, to reveal he’s written a play about her. A romantic comedy about romantic comedies and the psychic needs that fuel the creative instinct.

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Backstage Fairytale

Backstage Fairytale

Written by Michael John McGoldrick
Directed by Duchess Dake
AD Darius Journigan

With Roy Stanton, Kate Bergeron

A writer meets up with a former lover, now a successful New York actor, to reveal he’s written a play about her. A romantic comedy about romantic comedies and the psychic needs that fuel the creative instinct.

That was outstanding! The play, the acting, the tech, everything! Whew!
— M.N.
Just breathtaking!!! You made me laugh and made me cry at the end. You had great chemistry and I was just totally engrossed in the story.
— N.S.
Congrats to the playwright. Love your writing! Amazing direction and acting. Hard to believe the actors were not in the same room.
— S.L.
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

February 18-19, 2022

February 18-19, 2022


Written by Greg Lam

A couple’s special plans on a camping trip are interrupted by a succession of time travelers desperate to prevent catastrophe in the future.

Dark Matter

Written by Donald Loftus

Meet Marion and Palmer. They have been married for a long time. Maybe too long. The marriage has gone sour. Marion is not happy. Palmer thinks he is happy, but he cannot be sure. Both wish it could all return to the way it was...before the abduction... but of course, both know it cannot. “THEY” would never allow it.


Written by Tony Manzo

Is adultery contagious? Let’s ask Amy and Sal.

Rosa and Leo

Written by Adam Szudrich

Five decades after secretly falling in love in a Nazi concentration camp, Rosa and Leo rediscover each other on opposite sides of the world.

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Written by Greg Lam
Directed by Bari Biern
AD Darius Journigan

With Nessa Amherst, Laura Hubbard, Ebie Prideaux

A couple’s special plans on a camping trip are interrupted by a succession of time travelers desperate to prevent catastrophe in the future.

Wonderful performances! Really deep and thoughtful.
— M. B.

Dark Matter

Written by Donald Loftus
Directed by Laurie Tanner

AD Rosa Stern Pait

With Jesus Reyna, Karla A. Rennhofer

Meet Marion and Palmer. They have been married for a long time. Maybe too long. The marriage has gone sour. Marion is not happy. Palmer thinks he is happy, but he cannot be sure. Both wish it could all return to the way it was...before the abduction... but of course, both know it cannot. “THEY” would never allow it.

An amazing production. Real and intimate!
— B. W.


Written by Tony Manzo
Directed by Thomas W. Stephens

AD Joe Chance Dudley

With Janit Baldwin, Dana Hubbard

Is adultery contagious? Let’s ask Amy and Sal.

Beautifully acted and directed. Bravo!
— P. C.

Rosa and Leo

Written by Adam Szudrich
Directed by Stephen Benson

With Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard, Howard A. Raik

Five decades after secretly falling in love in a Nazi concentration camp, Rosa and Leo rediscover each other on opposite sides of the world.

Left me speechless. So moving. Well done. So very well done.
— J. M.
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Laura Hubbard Laura Hubbard

January 21-22, 2022

January 21-22, 2022

Mother’s Day

Written by Michael Brady

That’s my birth mother? No, no, no. She’s way too young!

Pro Bono

Written by Michael Brady

Sometimes you have to share a table with a stranger. His old jokes sound new. But your crisis is all your own.

If I Go First

Written by Michael Brady

Harry and Lizzy have lived a good life together. But Lizzy is sick and in pain, and wants to exit on her own terms. It’s time to have The Talk.

Drinks With The Boss

Written by Michael Brady

There’s a newbie on the corporate team who’s reluctant to take credit where credit is due. Does she need some oomph from the Queen Bee or a good kick in the behind?

Lunch With Dad

Written by Michael Brady

Facing the imminent death of her father, a young singer turns to her music teacher for comfort. Together, they will experience something very different.

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"Did you hear what she said! Did you hear what he said! OMG! I can’t believe what I’m hearing!” Ever wonder what is going on that table with the oh, so intent looks back and forth? Now you can eavesdrop on some very personal conversations. Some are funny, some are sad. But each is an honest, if unexpected, moment.

Mother’s Day

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Rebecca Wilson
AD Darius Journigan

With Nisha Singh, Joaquín Madrid Larrañaga, and Laura Hubbard

That’s my birth mother? No, no, no. She’s way too young!

Superb acting! Bravo! Brava! to all . . .
— M.G.

Pro Bono

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Morry Schorr

AD Rosa Stern Pait

With Roy Stanton, Cathy Chang, and Sam Deans

Sometimes you have to share a table with a stranger. His old jokes sound new. But your crisis is all your own.

Great production values to make all the pieces flow together so well.
— D.D.

If I Go First

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Morry Schorr

AD Rosa Stern Pait

With Howard Raik, Carolyn Wickwire, and Sam Deans

Harry and Lizzy have lived a good life together. But Lizzy is sick and in pain, and wants to exit on her own terms. It’s time to have The Talk.

I really enjoyed these plays - great variety and laced with humor as well as emotion.
— L.T.

Drinks With The Boss

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Rebecca Wilson

AD Darius Journigan

With Meghan Lane, Aniko Olah, and Laura Hubbard

There’s a newbie on the corporate team who’s reluctant to take credit where credit is due. Does she need some oomph from the Queen Bee or a good kick in the behind?

Each play had great suspense and kept me hanging on until the very end.
— Q. F. S.

Lunch With Dad

Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Jan Carpman

AD Maeve Chapman

With Calla Fuqua, Bill Bodie, and Sam Deans

Facing the imminent death of her father, a young singer turns to her music teacher for comfort. Together, they will experience something very different.

We really got caught up in the moments!
— E.M.
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