July 17, 2020

Offend Me Not

00.6.PZ poster Offend Me Not July 2020.jpg

Offend Me Not

Written and directed by Elizabeth Appleby
With Kathryn Appleby, Anne Bauman, Jan Carpman, Sam Deans, Dana Hubbard, Laura Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard, Lila McConnell, David McKay, Shawn Perry, Betsy Pollock, Greg Shea, Alice Simon, Jeff Stoodt, Walter Taylor, Norm Thibeault, Lisa White, Yury Yakor, Steve Yakutis

A satirical look at the excesses of political correctness.

Each of the vignettes the playwright wrote about our new age of political correctness (“Offend Me Not”) were telling and to the point. Despite the problems of mounting performances during the scourge of Covid-19, each of the plays rose above the unusual challenges. The post- performance discussion was superb. Its unique sensitivity, honesty and openness made it worthy of wide dissemination on its own.
— R.G.

August 7, 2020


June 19, 2020