December 11, 2020
December 11, 2020
Written by Michael Brady
Four friends graduate from high school, young and unformed, but full of promise and contradictions. Over the course of several class reunions, they love, betray, damage, and heal each other, living their lives as best they can. Will they stay “friends to the end,” or will life get in the way?
Written by Michael Brady
Directed by Steve Yakutis
AD Kristina Feldesman
With Janit Baldwin, Allison Brooks, Sam Deans, Maddison Gilcrease, Dana Hubbard
Four friends graduate from high school, young and unformed, but full of promise and contradictions. Over the course of several class reunions, they love, betray, damage, and heal each other, living their lives as best they can. Will they stay “friends to the end,” or will life get in the way?
““Reunion” was a wonderful production. Fantastic play and such warm and realistic performances. I loved it.”
“My compliments to all involved for creating five, very likable characters. I would have liked to have met them all in real life!”
“What a great job, again! “Reunion” was touching and funny. You’ve done a wonderful thing with PlayZoomers at a really needed time!”
““Reunion” was really an amazing production, so professional, flawless in the transitions, and the actors were wonderful. The concept of friendships over time is so important. I appreciate PlayZoomers for the talent, ingenuity, and entertainment. Keep up the amazing work!”
November 13, 2020
November 13, 2020
Kill Your Darlings
Written by Mary Spence
Sam Strauss, a successful TV writer-turned-playwright, struggles to complete a commissioned project. As he works, he is haunted by personal ghosts of all kinds: literary, imagined, and possibly real. The looming question concerns the murderous event that Sam refuses to see and whether it is real or figurative. To what lengths must an artist travel when pursuing Truth? How far has Sam actually gone to achieve his life's work, and does he know, as Shakespeare put it, "a hawk from a handsaw"?
Kill Your Darlings
Kill Your Darlings
Written by Mary Spence
Directed by Marc Verzatt
AD Kristina Feldesman
With Yvonne Brechbuhler, Jan Carpman, George Dougherty, Mary Carroll Dougherty, Alexandra Floras-Matic, Ted Gibson, Erin Ring-Howell, Sid Ross, Tristan Schaffer Goldman, Jessica Schneiderman, Jamie Soltis, Steve Yakutis
Sam Strauss, a successful TV writer-turned-playwright, struggles to complete a commissioned project. As he works, he is haunted by personal ghosts of all kinds: literary, imagined, and possibly real. The looming question concerns the murderous event that Sam refuses to see and whether it is real or figurative. To what lengths must an artist travel when pursuing Truth? How far has Sam actually gone to achieve his life's work, and does he know, as Shakespeare put it, "a hawk from a handsaw"?
“Thanks for getting me into the Playzoomers world: heaven only knows when I can get to live theater otherwise!”
“I must congratulate all those involved in this successful creative venture to keep theatre alive in this dark time that we all share.”
“I was blown away by the performance tonight. Extremely well done. Kudos to the entire production staff and actors! ”
“Amazing! You are all so talented and this was magnificent!”
October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020
Six Words. Pandemic Life. You. Me.
Adapted and Directed by Jan Carpman
Crowd-sourced by the PlayZoomers community
Emotional reactions to the ups and downs, ins and outs, of life during the 2020 pandemic.
Written by Matthew Weaver
Valentina and X share their first kiss as a couple over Zoom or a Zoomish-type program, during quarantine.
Stick and Move
Written by Greg Lam
If you’re on a first date, it’s always good to have someone in your corner.
Talk! Talk! Talk!
Written by Martin Murphy
Three talk show episodes bring together an assortment of unlikely participants -- historical, fictional, and contemporary -- who then reconvene in a Zoom roundtable.
Six Words. Pandemic Life. You. Me.
Stick and Move
Talk! Talk! Talk!
Six Words. Pandemic Life. You. Me.
Adapted and Directed by Jan Carpman
Crowd-sourced by the PlayZoomers community
With Nessa Amherst, Anne Bauman, George Dougherty, William Goldman, Tony Hernandez, April Linscott, Shawn Perry, Veronika Pomyateeva, Vincent Saia
Emotional reactions to the ups and downs, ins and outs, of life during the 2020 pandemic.
““Six Words. Pandemic Life. You. Me.” was thought-provoking, emotional, and an amazing use of the new technologies to bring the work into our homes. It deserves a broader audience. ”
Written by Matthew Weaver
Directed by Cianne Anthony
With Alexandra Floras-Matic and Dane Gbrayes
Valentina and X share their first kiss as a couple over Zoom or a Zoomish-type program, during quarantine.
“Outstanding theater last night with PlayZoomers. Wow, just wow!”
Stick and Move
Written by Greg Lam
Directed by Vanessa Sawson
With Bill Bodie, Christopher DeSantis, Katy Feldhahn, Johanna Wald
If you’re on a first date, it’s always good to have someone in your corner.
Talk! Talk! Talk!
Written by Martin Murphy
Directed by Morry Schorr
With Catherine Cavender, Amy D’Aulerio, Carlo Fiorletta, Maddison Gilcrease, Doug MacDougall, Howard Raik, Meredith Sullivan, Pete Trabucco
Three talk show episodes bring together an assortment of unlikely participants -- historical, fictional, and contemporary -- who then reconvene in a Zoom roundtable.
“I loved Talk! Talk! Talk! and the cute scene between Pollyanna and Kierkegaard regarding the Glad Game and the book, “Fear and Trembling”! The existential despair at the round table and singing Kumbaya just topped it!”
October 2, 2020
October 2, 2020
The Set Up
Written by Anna Watts
Two, well-meaning, but slightly misguided moms try to fix up their respective grown children.
Sharon’s Play
Written by Harry Bagdasian
Young marrieds, Sharon and Jerry, both in their mid-twenties, see their relationship nearly crumble because of a miscarriage. Then when going through a box of snapshots, they find a way to cope.
Frog and Toad are Self-quarantined Friends
Frog and Toad Tentatively Go Outside after Months in Self-quarantine
Written by Jennie Egerdie, based on the books by Arnold Lobel
A gentle parody of the beloved characters created by author/illustrator Arnold Lobel in his series of award-winning children's books. It imagines how Frog and Toad would respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it would - and would not - make in their lives.
The Set Up
Sharon’s Play
Frog and Toad are Self-quarantined Friends
Frog and Toad Tentatively Go Outside after Months in Self-quarantine
The Set Up
Written by Anna Watts
Directed by Ben Ubiñas
With Christina Haystead, Michaela Murphy, Lucas Niedzialkowski, Lisa White
Two well-meaning but slightly misguided moms try to fix up their respective grown children.
Sharon’s Play
Written by Harry Bagdasian
Directed by Ilise George
With Jameson Bryant, Catherine Cavender, Bella Grace Harris
Young marrieds, Sharon and Jerry, both in their mid-twenties, see their relationship nearly crumble because of a miscarriage. Then when going through a box of snapshots, they find a way to cope.
Frog and Toad are Self-quarantined Friends
Frog and Toad Tentatively Go Outside after Months in Self-quarantine
Written by Jennie Egerdie, based on the books by Arnold Lobel
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Elizabeth Appleby, Wendy Lazarus, April Linscott, Jeff Stoodt
A gentle parody of the beloved characters created by author/illustrator Arnold Lobel in his series of award-winning children's books. It imagines how Frog and Toad would respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and the changes it would - and would not - make in their lives.
September 11, 2020
September 11, 2020
With a Kiss I Die
Written by Anthony Lane, based on the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet, by William Shakespeare
Romeo and Juliet woo during the pandemic.
May Tag
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
During a washing-machine repair call, Russian émigrés Rudolph and Natalia discover they are more than mere acquaintances.
Sketching: 14 April 2020
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
To fill time in the early, sheltering days of the pandemic, Tammy convinces Scott to join her in sketching each other.
Grandpa is with Jesse
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Has Grandpa gone missing? Midgie returns to her estranged husband to learn why the old man seems to have disappeared with the mysterious Jesse.
With a Kiss I Die
May Tag
Sketching: 14 April 2020
Grandpa is with Jesse
With a Kiss I Die
Written by Anthony Lane, based on the balcony scene from Romeo & Juliet, by William Shakespeare
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Nic Campos and Laura Hubbard
Romeo and Juliet woo during the pandemic.
“I was laughing so much as I listened to the COVID-related linguistic twists as delivered by Romeo and Juliet in “With a Kiss I Die”!”
May Tag
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Anna Watts
With Christopher DeSantis and Veronika Pomyateeva
During a washing-machine repair call, Russian émigrés Rudolph and Natalia discover they are more than mere acquaintances.
“Everyone did such a phenomenal job. My personal favorites were “With a Kiss I Die” and “May Tag.” Romeo’s creative interplay with his balcony was very entertaining. Rudolph and Natalia’s performance was so natural and heartfelt, I was instantly pulled into their world. ”
Sketching: 14 April 2020
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Emilio Maxwell Cerci
With Phillip Cook and Crystal Watford Nuchurch
To fill time in the early, sheltering days of the pandemic, Tammy convinces Scott to join her in sketching each other.
Grandpa is with Jesse
Written by Thomas W. Stephens
Directed by Jean Dobie Giebel
With Alison Lustbader and Greg Shea
Has Grandpa gone missing? Midgie returns to her estranged husband to learn why the old man seems to have disappeared with the mysterious Jesse.
August 28, 2020
August 28 2020
Written by Harry Bagdasian
Comedic satire focusing on a topical talk show where the host ambushes and ridicules his guests.
Me and Mrs. Cheverly
Written by Ernie Joselovitz
Alan's tribute to a mentor, Mrs. Cheverly, a relationship that spans nearly 40 years, from the first meeting to the final phone call.
Me and Mrs. Cheverly
Written by Harry Bagdasian
Directed by Marc Verzatt
With George Dougherty, Susan O’Doherty, Lee Palotta, Jenna Roach
Comedic satire focusing on a topical talk show where the host ambushes and ridicules his guests.
Me and Mrs. Cheverly
Written by Ernie Joselovitz
Directed by Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
With Ted Gibson, Dana Hubbard Shawn Perry, Jamie Soltis, Mary Spence, Lisa White
Alan's tribute to a mentor, Mrs. Cheverly, a relationship that spans nearly 40 years, from the first meeting to the final phone call.
Me and Mrs. Cheverly
August 7, 2020
August 7, 2020
Good Corporate Citizen
Written by Sam Graber
Are corporations people?
Your Call is Important to Us
Written and Directed by Jan Carpman
A woman working from home during the pandemic, repeatedly calls tech support at her WiFi company in order to solve a critical, email problem.
Good Corporate Citizen
Your Call is Important to Us
Good Corporate Citizen
Written by Sam Graber
Directed by Steve Yakutis
With Pat Cambell, Michael Curry, William Goldman, Lillian Moore, Kimberly Nicole, Joshua Secunda, Nisha Singh, Marc Verzatt, Steve Yakutis
Are corporations people?
Your Call is Important to Us
Written and Directed by Jan Carpman
With Elizabeth Appleby, Jonathan Baum, Julian Borris, Nic Campos, Jonathan James, Rebecca Kramski, Wendy Lazarus, April Linscott, Jeff Stoodt, Norm Thibeault
A woman working from home during the pandemic repeatedly calls tech support at her WiFi company in order to solve a critical email problem.
“I was blown away by this performance. Extremely well done. Kudos to the entire production staff and actors! ”
“Amazing! What a clever take by Sam Graber on corporations. ”
Good Corporate Citizen
““Your Call is Important to Us” was amazing and what a wonderful performance. It was funny and sad and so spot-on for what life is often like when we just need a little assistance in those stressful times. We have all been there and you captured the feelings, the frustrations, and the suggestions of how people cope, often by just being human.
“I loved that play (“Your Call is Important to Us”). And the acting. And the directing. Witty, ironic - speaking to all of our experiences as being victims of our society. ”
“I thoroughly enjoyed and was inspired and impressed by “Your Call is Important to Us”! What a tour de force. People loved it. ”
Your Call is Important to Us
July 17, 2020
July 17, 2020
Offend Me Not
Written by Elizabeth Appleby
A satirical look at the excesses of political correctness.
Offend Me Not
Offend Me Not
Written and directed by Elizabeth Appleby
With Kathryn Appleby, Anne Bauman, Jan Carpman, Sam Deans, Dana Hubbard, Laura Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard, Lila McConnell, David McKay, Shawn Perry, Betsy Pollock, Greg Shea, Alice Simon, Jeff Stoodt, Walter Taylor, Norm Thibeault, Lisa White, Yury Yakor, Steve Yakutis
A satirical look at the excesses of political correctness.
“Each of the vignettes the playwright wrote about our new age of political correctness (“Offend Me Not”) were telling and to the point. Despite the problems of mounting performances during the scourge of Covid-19, each of the plays rose above the unusual challenges. The post- performance discussion was superb. Its unique sensitivity, honesty and openness made it worthy of wide dissemination on its own.”
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Written by Sam Graber
Having finished reading aloud the first draft of “Hamlet,” actors deliver feedback to the playwright.
Ed and Larry are Red
Written by Sam Graber
In a dank dungeon, two statisticians tabulate data. “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead” meets “The West Wing.”
Ed and Larry are Red
Written by Sam Graber
Directed by Stephen Benson
With Elizabeth Appleby, Janit Baldwin, Stephen Benson, Dana Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
Having finished reading aloud the first draft of “Hamlet,” actors deliver feedback to the playwright.
Ed and Larry are Red
Written by Sam Graber
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Jan Carpman, Andy Crum, Jeff Stoodt, Norm Thibeault
In a dank dungeon, two statisticians tabulate data. “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead” meets “The West Wing.”
Ed and Larry are Red
June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
Kitchen Sink Drama
Written by Emily Feldman
A family has some trouble with their kitchen sink while they try to remember the story of how they met, or a version of it anyway.
I’ve Been Trying to Meditate
Written by Steph Del Rosso
Nell's meditation app tells her to think of a place that brings her ease. Nell's meditation app tells her to breathe. So she tries.
Kitchen Sink Drama
I’ve Been Trying To Meditate
Kitchen Sink Drama
Written by Emily Feldman
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Janit Baldwin, Dana Hubbard, Jeff Stoodt, Lisa White
A family has some trouble with their kitchen sink while they try to remember the story of how they met, or a version of it anyway.
I’ve Been Trying to Meditate
Written by Steph Del Rosso
Directed by Elizabeth Appleby
With Audrey Appleby, Anne Bauman, Stephen Benson, Laura Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard, Elizabeth Taufield
Nell's meditation app tells her to think of a place that brings her ease. Nell's meditation app tells her to breathe. So she tries.
Kitchen Sink Drama
I’ve Been Trying to Meditate
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Written by Leigh Strimbeck
Two women reconnect after the funeral of their charismatic college art professor.
You Can’t Take That Away
Written by Leigh Strimbeck
In the early days of the pandemic, a female store clerk and a male customer transform a potentially fraught situation into a tender moment.
You Can’t Take That Away
Written by Leigh Strimbeck
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Audrey Appleby and Janit Baldwin
Two women reconnect after the funeral of their charismatic college art professor.
You Can’t Take That Away
Written and Directed by Leigh Strimbeck
With KD McTeigue, Lucas Phayre-Gonzales, Joel Bresler
In the early days of the pandemic, a female store clerk and a male customer transform a potentially fraught situation into a tender moment.
You Can’t Take That Away
May 7-8, 2020
May 7-8, 2020
Café Plays
Written by Michael Brady
A day in the life of a cafe, featuring equal parts comedy and drama - and did you hear what they are saying at the next table?
Café Plays
Café Plays
Written by Michael Brady, Directed by Michael Brady and Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
A day in the life of a cafe, featuring equal parts comedy and drama - and did you hear what they are saying at the next table?
Mitzvah with Donuts
With Audrey Appleby, Joel Bresler, John Higgins, Elizabeth Taufield, Tammas Wilner
Drinks with the Boss
With Elizabeth Appleby, Stephen Benson, Laura Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
With Janit Baldwin, Jan Carpman, Dana Hubbard, Elizabeth Taufield
Pro Bono
With Audrey Appleby, Janit Baldwin, Stephen Benson, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
Lunch with Dad
With Laura Hubbard, John Higgins, Elizabeth Appleby, Dana Hubbard
If I Go First
With Audrey Appleby, Janit Baldwin, Stephen Benson, Jan Carpman
Mitzvah with Donuts
Drinks with the Boss
Pro Bono
Lunch with Dad
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Aisle Five
Written and directed by Michael Brady
A near collision in the grocery store, and the answer to the question of who gets the last roll of toilet paper.
Aisle Five
Aisle Five
Written and directed by Michael Brady
With Audrey Appleby, Stephen Benson, Jan Carpman
A near collision in the grocery store, and the answer to the question of who gets the last roll of toilet paper.