November 13, 2020
Kill Your Darlings
Kill Your Darlings
Written by Mary Spence
Directed by Marc Verzatt
AD Kristina Feldesman
With Yvonne Brechbuhler, Jan Carpman, George Dougherty, Mary Carroll Dougherty, Alexandra Floras-Matic, Ted Gibson, Erin Ring-Howell, Sid Ross, Tristan Schaffer Goldman, Jessica Schneiderman, Jamie Soltis, Steve Yakutis
Sam Strauss, a successful TV writer-turned-playwright, struggles to complete a commissioned project. As he works, he is haunted by personal ghosts of all kinds: literary, imagined, and possibly real. The looming question concerns the murderous event that Sam refuses to see and whether it is real or figurative. To what lengths must an artist travel when pursuing Truth? How far has Sam actually gone to achieve his life's work, and does he know, as Shakespeare put it, "a hawk from a handsaw"?
“Thanks for getting me into the Playzoomers world: heaven only knows when I can get to live theater otherwise!”
“I must congratulate all those involved in this successful creative venture to keep theatre alive in this dark time that we all share.”
“I was blown away by the performance tonight. Extremely well done. Kudos to the entire production staff and actors! ”
“Amazing! You are all so talented and this was magnificent!”