October 23, 2020

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Six Words. Pandemic Life. You. Me.


Stick and Move

Talk! Talk! Talk!

Six Words. Pandemic Life. You. Me.

Adapted and Directed by Jan Carpman
Crowd-sourced by the PlayZoomers community

With Nessa Amherst, Anne Bauman, George Dougherty, William Goldman, Tony Hernandez, April Linscott, Shawn Perry, Veronika Pomyateeva, Vincent Saia

Emotional reactions to the ups and downs, ins and outs, of life during the 2020 pandemic.

“Six Words. Pandemic Life. You. Me.” was thought-provoking, emotional, and an amazing use of the new technologies to bring the work into our homes. It deserves a broader audience.
— B.K.


Written by Matthew Weaver
Directed by Cianne Anthony

With Alexandra Floras-Matic and Dane Gbrayes

Valentina and X share their first kiss as a couple over Zoom or a Zoomish-type program, during quarantine.

Outstanding theater last night with PlayZoomers. Wow, just wow!
— S.B.

Stick and Move

Written by Greg Lam
Directed by Vanessa Sawson

With Bill Bodie, Christopher DeSantis, Katy Feldhahn, Johanna Wald

If you’re on a first date, it’s always good to have someone in your corner.

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Talk! Talk! Talk!

Written by Martin Murphy
Directed by Morry Schorr

With Catherine Cavender, Amy D’Aulerio, Carlo Fiorletta, Maddison Gilcrease, Doug MacDougall, Howard Raik, Meredith Sullivan, Pete Trabucco

Three talk show episodes bring together an assortment of unlikely participants -- historical, fictional, and contemporary -- who then reconvene in a Zoom roundtable.

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I loved Talk! Talk! Talk! and the cute scene between Pollyanna and Kierkegaard regarding the Glad Game and the book, “Fear and Trembling”! The existential despair at the round table and singing Kumbaya just topped it!
— V.F., audience

November 13, 2020


October 2, 2020