July 17, 2020
July 17, 2020
Offend Me Not
Written by Elizabeth Appleby
A satirical look at the excesses of political correctness.
Offend Me Not
Offend Me Not
Written and directed by Elizabeth Appleby
With Kathryn Appleby, Anne Bauman, Jan Carpman, Sam Deans, Dana Hubbard, Laura Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard, Lila McConnell, David McKay, Shawn Perry, Betsy Pollock, Greg Shea, Alice Simon, Jeff Stoodt, Walter Taylor, Norm Thibeault, Lisa White, Yury Yakor, Steve Yakutis
A satirical look at the excesses of political correctness.
“Each of the vignettes the playwright wrote about our new age of political correctness (“Offend Me Not”) were telling and to the point. Despite the problems of mounting performances during the scourge of Covid-19, each of the plays rose above the unusual challenges. The post- performance discussion was superb. Its unique sensitivity, honesty and openness made it worthy of wide dissemination on its own.”
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Written by Sam Graber
Having finished reading aloud the first draft of “Hamlet,” actors deliver feedback to the playwright.
Ed and Larry are Red
Written by Sam Graber
In a dank dungeon, two statisticians tabulate data. “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead” meets “The West Wing.”
Ed and Larry are Red
Written by Sam Graber
Directed by Stephen Benson
With Elizabeth Appleby, Janit Baldwin, Stephen Benson, Dana Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
Having finished reading aloud the first draft of “Hamlet,” actors deliver feedback to the playwright.
Ed and Larry are Red
Written by Sam Graber
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Jan Carpman, Andy Crum, Jeff Stoodt, Norm Thibeault
In a dank dungeon, two statisticians tabulate data. “Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead” meets “The West Wing.”
Ed and Larry are Red
June 5, 2020
June 5, 2020
Kitchen Sink Drama
Written by Emily Feldman
A family has some trouble with their kitchen sink while they try to remember the story of how they met, or a version of it anyway.
I’ve Been Trying to Meditate
Written by Steph Del Rosso
Nell's meditation app tells her to think of a place that brings her ease. Nell's meditation app tells her to breathe. So she tries.
Kitchen Sink Drama
I’ve Been Trying To Meditate
Kitchen Sink Drama
Written by Emily Feldman
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Janit Baldwin, Dana Hubbard, Jeff Stoodt, Lisa White
A family has some trouble with their kitchen sink while they try to remember the story of how they met, or a version of it anyway.
I’ve Been Trying to Meditate
Written by Steph Del Rosso
Directed by Elizabeth Appleby
With Audrey Appleby, Anne Bauman, Stephen Benson, Laura Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard, Elizabeth Taufield
Nell's meditation app tells her to think of a place that brings her ease. Nell's meditation app tells her to breathe. So she tries.
Kitchen Sink Drama
I’ve Been Trying to Meditate
May 21, 2020
May 21, 2020
Written by Leigh Strimbeck
Two women reconnect after the funeral of their charismatic college art professor.
You Can’t Take That Away
Written by Leigh Strimbeck
In the early days of the pandemic, a female store clerk and a male customer transform a potentially fraught situation into a tender moment.
You Can’t Take That Away
Written by Leigh Strimbeck
Directed by Jan Carpman
With Audrey Appleby and Janit Baldwin
Two women reconnect after the funeral of their charismatic college art professor.
You Can’t Take That Away
Written and Directed by Leigh Strimbeck
With KD McTeigue, Lucas Phayre-Gonzales, Joel Bresler
In the early days of the pandemic, a female store clerk and a male customer transform a potentially fraught situation into a tender moment.
You Can’t Take That Away
May 7-8, 2020
May 7-8, 2020
Café Plays
Written by Michael Brady
A day in the life of a cafe, featuring equal parts comedy and drama - and did you hear what they are saying at the next table?
Café Plays
Café Plays
Written by Michael Brady, Directed by Michael Brady and Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
A day in the life of a cafe, featuring equal parts comedy and drama - and did you hear what they are saying at the next table?
Mitzvah with Donuts
With Audrey Appleby, Joel Bresler, John Higgins, Elizabeth Taufield, Tammas Wilner
Drinks with the Boss
With Elizabeth Appleby, Stephen Benson, Laura Hubbard, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
With Janit Baldwin, Jan Carpman, Dana Hubbard, Elizabeth Taufield
Pro Bono
With Audrey Appleby, Janit Baldwin, Stephen Benson, Mary Ann Nichols Hubbard
Lunch with Dad
With Laura Hubbard, John Higgins, Elizabeth Appleby, Dana Hubbard
If I Go First
With Audrey Appleby, Janit Baldwin, Stephen Benson, Jan Carpman
Mitzvah with Donuts
Drinks with the Boss
Pro Bono
Lunch with Dad
April 23, 2020
April 23, 2020
Aisle Five
Written and directed by Michael Brady
A near collision in the grocery store, and the answer to the question of who gets the last roll of toilet paper.
Aisle Five
Aisle Five
Written and directed by Michael Brady
With Audrey Appleby, Stephen Benson, Jan Carpman
A near collision in the grocery store, and the answer to the question of who gets the last roll of toilet paper.